
2024年1月13日—SynopsysTestMAXAdvisor收集寄存器数量、时钟域数量、故障数目、基本门数量和staticandrandomtestcoverage(不知道是啥)信息。TestMAX™DFT ...,2023年6月29日—DesignengineersrunSynopsysTestMAXAdvisoroneveryleveloftheirhierarchicaldesign,includingthefinal,full-chiplevel.Designers ...,TestMAXAdvisorisdesignedtoprovideassistancewiththisdesign-for-testeffortbuttogetthemaximumbenefitrequirestha...


2024年1月13日 — Synopsys TestMAX Advisor收集寄存器数量、时钟域数量、故障数目、基本门数量和static and random test coverage(不知道是啥)信息。 TestMAX™ DFT ...

Is Your RTL and Netlist Ready for DFT?

2023年6月29日 — Design engineers run Synopsys TestMAX Advisor on every level of their hierarchical design, including the final, full-chip level. Designers ...

Test clocks

TestMAX Advisor is designed to provide assistance with this design-for-test effort but to get the maximum benefit requires that the means to enter test mode ...

TestMAX Advisor

TestMAX Advisor can be used to check a design for DFT violations, and this provides an early insight into the testability problems, it also speeds up time to ...

TestMax advisor

2022年2月11日 — 【推荐】100%开源!大型工业跨平台软件C++源码提供,建模,组态! 【推荐】「废话少 ...

TestMAX Advisor Exam

This exam enables you to demonstrate the knowledge required for using Synopsys TestMAX™ Advisor (previously known as SpyGlass® DFT) to perform RTL testability ...

TestMAX Advisor RTL Testability Analysis and Optimization

Advisor checks for testability issues in advance, checking how suitable the RTL or netList is for test and checks to see if it is ready for DFT logic insertion.

Understanding the TestMAX Advisor Product

The TestMAX Advisor product, built on SpyGlass technology, contains a variety of Design-For-Test-related rules. The performance of many TestMAX Advisor ...

新思科技XSanechips联合演讲|使用TestMax Advisor实现 ...

2021年7月20日 — TestMAX系列工具通过自动结合新思科技Synthesis软件产品的分析与实现,轻松部署测试点,以一步到位的方式,优化ATPG和logic BIST结果。